Ever Wonder What Squirrels Are Texting About? šŸæļøšŸ“±

As a storyteller, I often find that the best material comes from unexpected places. Recently, I stumbled upon some of my old writings and couldnā€™t help but laugh at how even the simplest experiencesā€”like dodging a snake on a morning runā€”can transform into something wildly entertaining. It reminded me that storytelling gold often lies hidden in the mundane, just waiting for a bit of imagination to bring it to life.

This got me thinking: How many of us overlook the potential in our everyday encounters? Whether itā€™s a conversation with a stranger, a quiet moment during a morning jog, or even an amusing observation, these moments can serve as the foundation for stories that connect, entertain, and inspire.

In the story below, I took a simple encounter with nature and turned it into a quirky, tech-infused narrative. It might just make you rethink what those critters are really up to in the trees. After youā€™ve read it, Iā€™ll share some thoughts on the storytelling techniques used and how you can apply them to your own writing.

So, dive in and see how you, too, can turn lifeā€™s little moments into stories that resonate with others!

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(Note: The story below is an old blog post, but I did update the technology because the original used a Nokia Windows Phone which would simply confuse everyone. šŸ˜Š)

One morning, I went for a run around the health club near my office. The trail circles a lake and stretches nearly half a mile. Early morning is my favorite time to enjoy the peace as the world wakes up. On this particular day, I wasnā€™t alone in enjoying the fresh air. About halfway through my first lap, a snake slithered onto the path about 10 yards ahead of me.

I paused, not wanting to engage in a game of chicken with a snake this early in the day. We stared each other down for several seconds before the snake decided to reverse course. It slithered back into the brush, ceding the trail to me. After watching the snake fade into the underbrush, I continued my run, now fully awake. My awareness of my surroundings heightened tenfold. Each time I passed that spot, I kept an eye out for my old friend.

After the encounter, I noticed that with heightened senses, the birds acted livelier, and the squirrels seemed jumpier. I started thinkingā€”could this relate to my run-in with the snake? Was there some sort of animal surveillance system in place? Maybe they had an emergency broadcast network of their own. As I mulled it over, my mind began to piece together a scenario, and Iā€™m pretty sure it went something like this:

Squirrel’s phone buzzes as it receives a new text message.
“This is Snake. Big bald Godzilla-looking dude heading your way.”

Snakeā€™s phone vibrates.
“New phone? This is the 2nd number you texted me from this week.”

Snake: “Yep. Went for a swim the other day, and someone snatched my iPhone. Scared a woman today, and she dropped her Galaxy S23. This thing is massive! Watched Snakes on a Plane on the big screen last night. Worst stunt snakes ever, but still fun.
Itā€™s way better than that old iPhone 12, though. Never got a good signal on that one. And with a bigger screen, it’s easier to type with my tail.
BTW, what phone do you have now?”_

Squirrel: “I scored a Pixel 7 from one of the folks in the apartments next to my tree. They had a wild party, and someone threw it at the tree.”

Snake: “BTW, how do you text? Those paws seem a bit small.”

Squirrel: “I snagged a Bluetooth headset from the same group after they passed out. Voice-to-text is a lifesaver. I just leave the phone in the tree while I scurry around gathering nuts.”

Snake: “How does that work? You don’t speak human.”

Squirrel: “Oh, but I do now! Iā€™m using Google Translate to convert my squirrel chatter into English. Itā€™s pretty handy.”

Snake: “Thatā€™s clever.”

Squirrel: “Iā€™m also working on learning Parseltongue. Iā€™ve been watching Harry Potter on the phone. Figured if I could learn Parseltongue, it would make talking to you easier.”

Snake: “You’re learning that from watching Harry Potter? Impressive! Canā€™t wait to see how fluent you get.”

Yeah, I’m pretty sure thatā€™s exactly how it went.

The Art of Turning Everyday Moments into Compelling Stories

Now that youā€™ve read the story, letā€™s take a moment to explore the storytelling techniques that make it work. Whether you’re writing for fun, business, or just to share a good laugh, these techniques can help you craft stories that resonate with your audience.

1. Find the Gold in the Mundane:
This story starts with an ordinary morning run. By focusing on the unexpectedā€”like the snake encounterā€”I found a way to make the mundane interesting. Look for the quirks, surprises, and small moments in your day-to-day life that can serve as the spark for a story.

2. Use Humor and Imagination:
The storyā€™s charm lies in its playful tone. By imagining what animals might text each other, I introduced a layer of humor that makes the narrative engaging. Donā€™t be afraid to let your imagination run wildā€”itā€™s often the unexpected twists that captivate your audience.

3. Relatable Characters and Situations:
Even though the characters are a snake and a squirrel, their dialogue reflects familiar human behaviorsā€”texting, using Google Translate, watching Harry Potter. This makes the story relatable and fun, as readers can see a bit of themselves in the characters.

4. Keep It Concise and Active:
Notice how the sentences are kept short and active. This keeps the story moving and maintains the readerā€™s interest. In your own storytelling, aim for clarity and brevity to hold your audienceā€™s attention.

5. Create a Connection:
A great story isnā€™t just entertainingā€”it also connects with the reader on some level. Whether itā€™s through humor, shared experiences, or emotions, find a way to create that connection. In this case, the mix of technology and nature, combined with a bit of nostalgia (Harry Potter references), helps forge that bond.

Your Turn

Now itā€™s your turn! What everyday events could you turn into a story? Take a moment to think about a recent experience and how you could spin it into a narrative that entertains, connects, or even inspires someone. Whether you share it with friends, post it online, or keep it for yourself, remember: every moment holds the potential for a great story.

#storytelling #critters #IBlameDoug #EPICMethod